She is very kind and understanding to the point where you’d almost swear she was an angel from heaven! This quality is what makes her very attractive. One of Haru’s dreams is to one day visit Japan and she is fond of all things Japanese, Syuji being no exception. The two often support each other in both of their dreams and research. She studies astronomy and is very close with Alice. Her grandfather moved to England before she was born and Japan has since closed it borders. She is an exchange student from Japan, but she has never seen her home country. She is the very definition of a cool beauty, and most will find their time with her quite enjoyable. She’s a level headed beauty that measures everything, and I mean everything! Somehow this comes off as very cute and charming. The way she gets him to go on this trip is very comical and one of the best parts of the common route. She had a hard time convincing Syuji to even go look for his grandfather, since he was leaving the life of science behind to be a musician. I got more of the impression she just doesn’t have that filter that tells her not to say harsh things, rather than her just saying them out of spite. This is one of the most down to earth girls you will ever meet. Most would find her a bit sharp tongued. Next up let’s take a look at Syuji’s childhood friend, Yotsuko Utakane. She may seem a little crazy but I think most will find her charms far greater than her shortcomings. Her deduction skills are second to none, this girl could give even the most hard nosed detective a run for their money. The problem is her curiosity leads her to experiment on Syuji as well, and he is not impressed with some of the things she decides to check out. We’ll start with Lavi Gier, she is a genius girl that invents lots of great gadgets and stuff to get you out of binds. I rarely find a visual novel in which I can say loved all of the cast, but here we are. I want to spend some time talking about each of the wonderful ladies found in this game. Most of these are pretty easy to figure out, but if you need help there is a handy dandy guide on Steam that will tell you what choices to make and when to make saves. The routes play out kinda like a continuation of each story, since one choice in the middle of each route will start the next one. You may also learn a few things about science and history along the way! Each girl has their problems and some amazing personality quirks to go with them.

There are a lot of twists and turns here as you work through the stories of the five heroines in the game. Now along with the help of Yotsuko they will not only have to search for Syuji’s missing grandfather and find a way home, they will have to repair history itself. This flat girl would turn out to be the famed Sir Isaac Newton! He didn’t realize it at that moment but he had erased one of the greatest scientific discoveries in human history. When they have arrived at their destination Syuiji finds himself grabbing a small chested girl and Yostuko’s breasts. As they examine this telescope they discover a keyhole, and using the key his grandfather had sent, they accidentally travel 300 years into the past. The mystery soon thickens as they find a hidden room with a telescope in it. They soon discover a cabin that none other than Newton had once used to study in. The duo end up traveling to Tenbridge University, since Syuji’s grandfather was obsessed with Newton and had left the duo two plane tickets to England along with a mysterious key. Syuji Asanaga and his childhood friend Yotsuko Utakane are tracking down Syuji’s grandfather that has turned up missing. I’ve never quite read anything like this, so I waited patiently for the game to release, and that day has come! Now that I have read this front to back let’s see if the wait was worth it. This one is an alternate history of Europe where you discover Sir Issac Newton was actually a girl while searching through time for your grandfather.

When I first saw the Kickstarter for Newton and the Apple Tree I was instantly intrigued by this visual novel.